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Therapeutic Benefits of Shamanic Journeys

Shamanic Journeys have an ancient history of being used for many purposes in tribal and indigenous cultures.  Shamanism is part of an indigenous/tribal world-view that is highly integrated across all parts of life.  Tribal peoples believe there are spiritual reasons behind any form of imbalance, whether that is addiction, illness or bad luck.  When they […]

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Spring Equinox: Out with the Old (Definition of Balance!)

Was there ever a time when a balanced life was made up only two things?  Maybe when they first invented the scale it was!!  In the pagan tradition, we use the energy of equal day and night on the Equinoxes to set intentions for balance.  In my next tele-ceremony on Saturday the 21st Lightplay Swirling […]

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The Power of the Snowflake!

It doesn’t occur to you to think much about what’s underneath a fresh blanket of snow. When you first see the world covered by sparkly clean snowflakes, it lightens your heart with feelings of play and joy. Fresh snow pushes the re-set button the world, returning it to a state of peaceful potential, a stillness […]

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Lotus of purification

Meditation Relieves Anxiety

Anxiety occurs when the mind churns with thoughts. People suffering from anxiety feel helpless. Their sense of helplessness compounds the problem, causing more anxiety. While traditions of meditation may vary, all meditation relieves anxiety because it creates a sense of calm and peace. This is achieved by training the mind to slow down and become […]

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