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Why not Yes

Hell No! Why to Choose YES when you Don’t Wanna

No. Just No. It’s not right, I’m not going to do it, you can’t make me! The hairs go up on the back of your neck and every fiber of your being says Stop, Basta, stomp the brakes! So you tell the person in front of you No, Hell No. But who are you really […]

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Will You Still Love Me if I’m an Irreverent Reverend?

I’ve been playing with titles and identities in my mind lately.  When I introduce myself as a non-denominational Reverend, I’m seeing people dive into their own beliefs about reverends, barely able to rise above their own stuff to get curious anything else I might say.  I just now realized that using my title (which I’m […]

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Punk Rock Secrets – The “Edge”

(OK, this is a coming-out story y’all, first in an on-and-off series.) Punk Rock ain’t dead. It wasn’t a short-lived musical/fashion fad.  It’s a way of being, an outlook, an attitude towards your fellow human. It’s also a path to awareness and healing, it taught me how to fight and win over many of my […]

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TempleWithoutBoundaries, doors open

Open the Temple Doors and Step IN

Over many years, people attended various ceremonies at my house in Portland, Oregon, and we thought of the house as our Temple.  As we got each ceremony started, we created sacred space by calling upon the divine energies of each direction, including Above, Below and Center.   In Center, we called upon the Temple spirit who […]

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