Open the Temple Doors and Step IN

TempleWithoutBoundaries, doors openOver many years, people attended various ceremonies at my house in Portland, Oregon, and we thought of the house as our Temple.  As we got each ceremony started, we created sacred space by calling upon the divine energies of each direction, including Above, Below and Center.   In Center, we called upon the Temple spirit who was part of the house, to open its doors and contain our work.  We were shifted from the mundane into the sacred and could to go deeper into our spiritual work.

As I planned my move out of the house and to Austin, I called the Temple once again to find out how to proceed in right relationship.  The Temple clearly answered, “Take me with you.”  It had become real from all the years of ceremony and divine blessings.   It taught me that it’s a container made of energy, so it does not have any limitations that I can perceive.  So we came up with a formal name, Temple Without Boundaries.

Here in Austin, I call upon the Temple frequently to help me set sacred space for my spiritual work.  And I feel the shift out of the mundane every time.

But the Temple Without Boundaries is not just for me.  It is a public Temple, with similar aspects to the many physical temples in our world that you can visit in person, but with less travel time.   It has many hallways that connect you to sacred rooms and places.  It has many tools, statues, and altars for you to use.  It has priests and priestesses who can bring you inspiration and blessings.  It is very beautiful and ornate.

I encourage you to call, open, and step into the Temple for your own work, so you can draw upon all these resources.  To learn how, watch this short video (an excerpt from the first Mother Mary transmission on June 10).

Please let me know how it works for you – write back or leave a comment.

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