High Vibrational Body

Doesn’t it seem like our yogi and super-food friends just kind of glow with their High Vibrational Body?  But how often do you have a reason to switch to such a strict lifestyle?  I received two major reasons – first, my guides had stopped giving me energetic “upgrades” to help me fulfill my purpose, and secondly a food sensitivity test told me my body was constantly in reactivity to common spices, foods and chemicals.  My body was too overwhelmed to sustain the high vibration of my life purpose with the Temple; I was stuck and had to change.

So I went through my grieving process (no pistachios?!? – but Mom’s been putting them in my Easter basket since I was a kid!), found inner strength, cleared my cupboards out, and started adjusting to cooking 90% of my meals.  Then with Bikram yoga, I began my de-tox.

The Results

I saw spiritual results only a week after I began purifying my body.  During the solar eclipse in May, I received an energetic blessing from the Divine Mother, and was able to drink it in MUCH more deeply than I’ve ever been able to do.  I also received a vision –  our 3D bodies are the blueprint for creating our bodies in the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensions; the healthier we are before ascension, the more capabilities our bodies will have in the higher dimensions.  And per my opening paragraph, I’m back to my regular “upgrades” from the universe to sustain me on my path.

A lot of people wouldn’t go through all this, but major spiritual reasons supply me with the daily discipline to keep to this path.  I invite you to make choices every day to step up to greater purity in your thoughts, emotions and body, so your higher vibrations can come through to bless the world. Treasures await you!!

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