
Customize your Spiritual Pathway

It’s such a great big world out there of spiritual ideas, beliefs, traditions and pathways!  Even if you’re open to almost anything, it can be hard to know where to start.

There’s an answer – instead of searching through the different traditions one by one, use your natural approach to life to create a spiritual pathway you’ll enjoy.  Get a Starter Kit for your Pathway to build a basic spiritual toolkit.  Then layer on experiences by trying other spiritual practices from your Pathway.  You don’t have to follow a tradition like Hinduism, Christianity, etc to have fun and gain positive benefits in your life.

Customize your spiritual pathway based on your preference for:

  • Movement – ecstatic and sacred dance, yoga, martial arts, walking/hiking meditation
  • Visual arts – creating art spiritually, being inspired by visionary art and sculpture
  • Experiencing – traveling to sacred sites, shamanic journeys, indigenous ceremonies
  • Quiet – poetry, meditation, contemplation, reading from spiritual leaders
  • Sound – chanting, sacred music, drumming

Take the Pathways Quiz then try spiritual practices you’re sure to like.

Read More about the Pathways…


Do you like to dance, exercise, or walk in the woods? If the Movement Pathway is for you, you are probably constantly in motion! You enjoy your body and like trying new forms of movement to refine your physical skills. You have a strong body-awareness — your body communicates with you and helps you learn about yourself. You don’t sit still much but you sleep like the dead! Read more OR Check out the Starter Kit


If the Visual Pathway is for you, you pay attention to everything there is to see – all the colors, textures, shapes and lightplay that makes up the world. You find that visual art affects you, and opens you up to know yourself better. In the act of creating, you are able to connect with your emotional and spiritual selves, and find yourself unfolding before your eyes. You use inner and outer vision and visual cues to trigger insights and solve problems. Read more OR Check out the Starter Kit


If the Experiential Pathway is for you, you have very broad interests and an adventuresome spirit. You like to travel to expand your horizons, to learn and grow from other cultures. Then you adapt your beliefs as you process and “unpack” your experiences. You like unusual experiences that push your boundaries, thresholds and tolerances, so you can expand yourself. Pushing your frontiers expands your self-awareness. You gain inspiration and insight from reviewing and integrating all aspects of your experiences. Read more OR Check out the Starter Kit


Do you prefer to read, meditate, write, and contemplate? If the Quiet Pathway is for you, you gain major insights and revelations from reading, self-reflection, watching and listening. You take in the world from a slightly removed place, and quietly assess what fits with your inner understandings, adapting your beliefs if something new feels better. If you choose to share how you’ve grown, you may offer poetry or insightful writings. You are a center of calm amidst the storm of life. Read more OR Check out the Starter Kit


Does your heart sing when you sing, or when you hear music? If the Sound Pathway is for you, you are tuned into every layer of sound, noise, and vibration in every setting. You feel inspired by these sensory inputs. You learn about yourself as you tune in certain sounds and tune out others. Music or singing may be one of your creative outlets. Read more OR Check out the Starter Kit

Take the Pathways Quiz or go to your Pathway page and try spiritual practices you’re sure to like.


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