Movement Pathway


Take the Pathways Quiz or read on to discover if this Pathway is for you…

This Pathway is for You If…

You are frequently in motion and are more physically active than most, so you choose action-oriented activities.  You enjoy how your body feels and like to explore the creativity and potential that your body offers you; you choose arts and activities that involve training your body in refined movements. The sensation of touch may be more powerful for you than visual or sound.  You have a strong awareness of your body’s needs, sensations, wants, desires; in fact, you probably have a rich inner dialog going on with your body a lot of the time.  You may even process your emotions or thoughts through your body, or interpret your body’s messages to help you evaluate options in a decision you need to make. Your body helps you learn about yourself. You are likely a kinesthetic learner – you enjoy learning by doing rather than hearing a lecture or watching someone else do it.

Spiritual Experiences You’ll Probably Like

  • Walking meditations, such as labyrinths or nature hikes
  • Spiritual dance forms such as Gabrielle Roth’s 5 Rhythms or the Sufi dances of Universal Peace
  • Martial arts forms with a meditative focus
  • Yoga and Mudras (sacred postures that invoke higher states of consciousness)

To Start on this Pathway

Get the Movement Starter Kit and stay tuned as the Temple Vision comes to fruition for more Movement spiritual experiences.

Starter Kit for the Movement Pathway

Reverend Octavia Brooks walks you through creating a spiritual toolkit to start on your Movement Pathway!  Guided meditation format in MP3 and video.

Priced only $3.97-$6.97 individually, or SAVE 10% and GET THE STARTER KIT WITH ALL FIVE for only $29.97

Vision for the Temple– Movement Pathway upcoming offerings

Make sure you are on the Temple email list to find out when these products become available!

  • Additional Hiking Meditations
  • Walking the sacred labyrinth to come home to Center
  • Ecstatic dance as a spiritual practice
  • Sacred dance forms from many cultures
  • Recommendations on for Martial Arts and Yoga DVDs

 Get the Movement Pathway Starter Kit or choose a spiritual practice from the list above!

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