Results from a Shamanic Healing Session

Immediate Results you can experience from a Shamanic session…

  • Feeling stronger, a core center of strength making it easier to handle life’s challenges.
  • Clarity, knowing exactly how to move ahead with what was confusing or overwhelming.
  • Noticing more motivation and energy flowing through your life.  The burden has been lifted.
  • Calm, peaceful, greater sense of well-being and capability.

Read Testimonials Here

Results You’ll Start Noticing within a Week of the Session

Some results from a Shamanic Energy Healing session will unfold over days, weeks, months, catalyzing inner processes of opening and resourcefulness.

  • You naturally get better results from your life and it’s easier than you thought possible.
  • Noticing that you’re thinking, choosing, communicating, or acting differently, with less effort.  These changes are helping you improve your relationships and make better choices.
  • Your awareness/understanding may increase or happen faster, giving you the opportunity to make smarter choices.
  • Naturally finding more resources at your disposal – helpful tools, people, situations.  You find yourself more open to ideas and options.
  • Making progress towards goals that formally felt out of reach.
  • Feeling a brighter, clearer spiritual connection, bringing you inspiration.

Tips for getting the best results from your Shamanic healing session

Your helper guides will help you integrate and continue to unfold processes started during the healing session.  You can partner with them by acting upon the information received during the session.

In addition, after a healing session, think of yourself has having new skin.  Give your new self a chance to solidify for 2-3 days if possible.

  • Take really good care of yourself – drink lots of pure water and eat light and healthy.
  • Be cautious about your activities; try to stick with positive, life-affirming experiences.  For example, limit TV, news, or extreme entertainment such as action/horror movies.
  • Ideally, reduce your time with any negative people or stressful situations.  Protect your new self by making healthy choices as much as possible.
  • After a week or so, test yourself…do you want to go back to your old ways before the session?  I thought not!

How often will I need Shamanic healing sessions?

Sessions are recommended every 2-4 weeks.  The ultimate goal of healing is to achieve a state of wholeness.  We do this a layer at a time, or work on one area of our lives at a time, until we feel strong and successful consistently in all aspects of life.

Book your next Shamanic healing session when

  • It’s time to work on the other areas Rev Octavia suggested in your last session.
  • You’re ready to “peel off” another layer — you’ve mastered the changes from the last session and want to go deeper, or you’re experiencing new or additional symptoms similar to the last session.
  • When you have new symptoms showing up .
  • If you need support for a difficult time in your life.

Schedule a session with Reverend Octavia

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