How Does a Shamanic Energy Healing Session Work?

How does a Shamanic Energy Healing session work?

Sessions are usually remote on the phone/Skype, with the possibility of in-person in Austin, TX.  There is a consistent flow to every session no matter the duration, and every component is customized to your needs and desires.  Intro sessions are 30 minutes and full sessions are 1.5 hours; read about options here.

Opening the Session

Rev Octavia opens a sacred container of safety and protection by calling the Temple Without Boundaries.  This container also brings you and Octavia into energetic resonance and bridges time/space.  (Sounds weird, but it makes sense once you experience it!)

Make your Requests for Shifts and Changes

Tell Octavia your vision for your life, your hopes and dreams, what’s not working.  What recurring patterns are you sick of?  What do you desire more of?  How do you want to grow yourself, your life, your business, your abundance?

Then tell her what’s in your way.  Whether it’s deep old childhood stuff or recent realizations, or even if you just don’t know.

Octavia may offer coaching, mentoring or guidance in this phase of the session.  Your guides hear what you desire and show Octavia where to focus during the healing work.  The list can be as long or short as desired, it will all get attention and sometimes it ties together.

Calling in Sacred Helpers

Octavia anchors the energies in the session by calling in the seven directions and Earth, Air, Fire, Water.  She calls in your ancestors and Divine Mother and Divine Father.  Most importantly, she calls your guides and Highest Self to be present and inform, direct and support your session.

Energy Healing as Guided while Keeping you Informed

During the energy work, Octavia receives guidance about to work on in what sequence.  Sometimes several healing processes are running at once, allowing interlocking issues to be untangled. As things unfold and while you stay in a meditative relaxed state, Octavia communicates what she is working on.  Many different things may happen:

  • Rejuvenation energy will be brought in to strengthen and support you.
  • A wound may be found, that happened during this lifetime, another lifetime, or even at the soul level.  Octavia will heal these wounds.
  • Energy blocks or weaknesses in your chakras or other parts of your field of being will be resolved, healed and upleveled with positive energies.
  • If any interfering entities are found, they will be removed and elevated to their next higher plane of existence.
  • Curses, either from you or someone else, are unraveled, damage is repaired and your power handed back to you.
  • Octavia’s guides may speak in tongues or sing beautifully for your vibrational healing or to educate and heal your soul, an attacker or your inner child.

Channeled Affirmations to Maintain your Shift

Rev Octavia integrates the changes throughout your energetic being, enabling the universe to send you new experiences in keeping with your new healed self.  At the close of the energy healing, you’ll have an opportunity to de-brief any questions or learnings from the energy work.

Octavia always channels a very important affirmation that builds momentum for your new life from the shifts achieved during the session.  Repeating these affirmations is very important to retaining the benefits of your “life adjustment.”

After the session, you will feel rested, blissful and peaceful, so plan a little downtime afterwards.

Schedule a session with Reverend Octavia

Tips for best results from a healing session


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